#WFH Series: Staying Social in Self Isolation

Wearing Molly Bracken dress, Unitude Purse, and Topshop boots.

Wearing Molly Bracken dress, Unitude Purse, and Topshop boots.

Almost three weeks ago, our lives were greatly disrupted after the North American continent finally began to take the COVID-19 pandemic seriously. Once unfamiliar phrases like “the new normal,” “social distancing,” and “flatten the curve” became commonplace terms in our daily conversations with one another. Soon after, face-to-face interactions with our friends, family, and colleagues became increasingly risky and most of us were forced to retreat to our homes in order to decrease the pace at which the virus was spreading. 

These days, I wake up and quickly skim the news headlines in the hopes of finding positive pieces— sadly, the media still prioritizes the negative over the positive. However, like many of us, I have found comfort in at least a few things. In particular, I am grateful for my health and the strong bond I continue to hold with my friends and family. 

Since we are all obliged to stay two metres away from individuals outside of our household, I have found myself wanting to stay in touch even more than usual with my social networks. Happily, technology has been an enormous aid in alleviating our isolation— especially platforms such as Skype, Zoom, and social media (i.e. Instagram and TikTok). 

For today’s post, I wanted to discuss my current thoughts on how I’ve been using technology (especially social media) to stay connected, positive, and healthy. As well, I have included how I’ve been maintaining my wellness as a whole lately. Mind you, I’m not sure if my viewpoint will change down the road as there are no certainties regarding the timeline of this crisis. 

My Current #WFH and #SocialDistancing Routine

Set Boundaries

Since I made the transition to working from home, it’s become even more important to set boundaries with my usage of social media apps. After waking up, it is immediately my habit to check the latest developments such as messages, emails, and DMs on Instagram. However, it has become a goal of mine to delay such impulses until I have at least finished brushing my teeth, my morning skincare routine, and have drunk a glass of water. 

Once I have fully woken up, I log into my work desktop and begin my tasks for the day. During this time, I might also check my personal email for any potential collaboration opportunities, reply to DMs on Instagram, and begin replying to comments on my latest post. Obviously, if I have pressing duties to complete for work, I finish those tasks prior to engaging on social media. 

Once I have completed those tasks or feel like I need a break, I allow myself to check Instagram again in order to make my next post, create a new Instagram story, check my latest insights, or use my planning app to figure out my feed for the upcoming weeks.

As well, it’s become more important to filter and avoid overdosing on media for our mental health. While staying informed and updated is necessary, reading too many COVID-19-related articles can result in unnecessary amount of anxiety, fear, and negativity. Personally, I try to read a maximum of 2-5 articles a day that provide a good summary of the current state of affairs; following that, I turn my mind towards other matters. 

Set Daily Goals 

Since it seems like we will all be stuck inside our homes for the foreseeable future, it has become increasingly important to remain as disciplined and structured as possible. For me, this covers the physical, mental, and emotional aspects of my life. 


After finishing my work and posting for the day, I make sure that I get off the couch to get moving. As someone who usually works out 5-6 days a week, it is really an adjustment to work out almost solely from home (except for the occasional and cautious run outdoors). Unsurprisingly, my main sources of bodyweight and equipment-free workouts are from Instagram fitness accounts or YouTube. 

As well, after being stuck at home so much lately, it’s easy to fall into the bad habit of eating when I’m feeling bored (rather than being actually hungry). As a result, I’m trying to make bigger efforts to not mindlessly snack on unhealthy foods. Rather, I’m trying to opt for more nutritious things like fruits and nuts. Additionally, I’m trying to cook healthier meals instead of my fave usuals (i.e. noodles soup and dumplings).


Currently, my main goals are to get back into reading (I usually am voracious reader) and writing again as I have been watching way too many shows on TV and Netflix lately. Specifically, I’m trying to challenge myself by reading the books I’ve left unread on my bookshelf and by continuing to write regular blog posts. 

Eventually down the road, I might begin trying to learn a new language (again) and look into interesting courses such as digital marketing. In the recent past, I was enrolled in a Project Management program at BCIT and was doing very well in my courses; unfortunately, recent events have derailed that educational pathway for now. 


As a Christian, my emotional health is greatly linked to my spiritual health. While I usually have a morning routine of praying and reading the Bible early in the morning as I’m heading to work, it was temporarily difficult to get back into those habits when our lives were so recently upended. 

However, I now start my day off with a good prayer for my friends, family, colleagues, community, country, and the rest of the world. Following that, I make sure that I’m reading my daily devotional that helps me to meditate upon particular Bible verses. Often, I’ve found that focusing on The Word is most soothing for my soul. As well, I’ve begun watching my church sermons online as they’ve begun broadcasting online after the government banned gatherings of 250 people and over. 

Remember— we must choose faith over fear. I believe that God is good and all things are in His control.

Posting Schedules 

Now that we’re stuck inside and unable shoot content like before, I’ve begun posting every other day or so. Honestly, now that I’m at home the entire day, my motivation to keep scrolling through Instagram and scrolling through content has gone down considerably. In the past, I would often browse social media while commuting to and back from work. Overall, in light of the current situation, I think that many people agree that keeping up a daily content posting schedule has become significantly less important. 

Content Creation 

While I am currently have content ready for the next few weeks, I am feeling excited to become more creative with shooting at home. Luckily, there is so much #quarantinecontent inspiration on Instagram that I will be able to use! 

Skype/Zoom Dates

During this time of social distancing, staying connected with everyone has become paradoxically more important. As I’m someone who prefers to meet in-person over talking on the phone, I’ve become used to only messaging my friends since the advent of smartphones. In fact, calling people feels strange to me nowadays— despite the fact that I used to call my friends in high school for hours on end. 

However, now that we are being obliged to stay inside, regular Skype and Zoom dates have become our main source of socializing. I now call my best friends at least 3 times a week and have a Zoom game night session with other friend groups. As well, I try to stay connected with my wider friend groups and social network via group chats and individual messaging. 

I must say that I am so thankful that technology allows us to remain connected despite this difficult time!

Connected On Instagram 

For the last section of this post, I thought that it would be fitting to discuss my usage of Instagram with a focus on how I’m using it to staying in touch with the outside world. Other than Skype and Zoom dates, using Instagram to maintain and create new connections has become more meaningful than before. Many of my non-blogger friends are posting more stories than ever in order to share the going-ons of their lives while in social isolation. Also, chain story templates have become even more popular (to the point of exhaustion at some points).

As mentioned previously, I am posting less often nowadays. However, I am still making sure to stay updated on my friends’ accounts and to reply to DMs as soon as possible. Posting regularly about how I’m staying sane at home (i.e. entertainment choices, exercises, food, etc.) has also become a daily pastime. 

Since everyone is stuck in the same boat of self-isolation, being connected online has become more important for many individuals. Consequently, many bloggers are encouraging others to see this as a positive opportunity to build deeper relationships with their followings (which I agree with). If we can bring some positivity to the world, why shouldn’t we? 

Currently, I am writing this post while starting the third week of this new #WFH and #SocialDistancing life. I am unsure about what the future will bring and have no clue how long this will last. However, like many others, I am trying to stay positive and grateful for all of the privileges and blessings that we still have (especially in a first world country). Hopefully, down the road, I’ll be sharing another post regarding how this experience has helped me to slow down and grow in areas that I had been previously neglecting. 

Now, how about you? Are you staying social while social distancing and/or working from home? What are your favourite methods of staying productive and healthy while indoors? 


Debbie (aka The Stylish Wordsmith) 


#WFH Series: Shooting at Home


The Shoot: Part I - Locations