How I sorta became an Instagram Influencer.

Welcome to My Blog

My Story

Why I became an influencer and other random thoughts.

Influencer Insider Tips

Things I’ve learned over the past while.

Meet The Bloggers

Things I’ve learned about the blogging community.


A special series devoted to our circumstances during the COVID-19 crisis.

Social Justice

A special series devoted to social justice issues.

Creator 101: E-Book Launch! 📕 ♥️ 💌
Influencer Insider TIps, My Story Debbie Poh Influencer Insider TIps, My Story Debbie Poh

Creator 101: E-Book Launch! 📕 ♥️ 💌

Recently, this well-known Chinese proverb has often come to mind: “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” While brainstorming a way to restart my blog after an unexpected hiatus of 2 years, I realized that I needed to stop overthinking it and just start writing again — without the self-imposed expectations that usually hinder my progress.

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Influencer 101: How I Earned $17,000 for Q1 2022
Influencer Insider Tips, My Story Debbie Poh Influencer Insider Tips, My Story Debbie Poh

Influencer 101: How I Earned $17,000 for Q1 2022

Greetings everyone! Now that April is almost over, I thought it would be a good idea to summarize how the first quarter of 2022 has gone in terms of brand partnerships. While I had low expectations for the first three months of the year (especially since I only earned $3,300 in Q1 2021), I was pleasantly surprised to secure more than $17,000 in paid campaigns. As well, I managed to secure four more partnerships over the last week for the new quarter— which will result in my projected earnings totalling to $23,000 so far!

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Influencer 101: How to Set Your Rates as a Micro-Influencer
Influencer Insider Tips Debbie Poh Influencer Insider Tips Debbie Poh

Influencer 101: How to Set Your Rates as a Micro-Influencer

As the influencer marketing industry continues to grow and become recognized as a legitimate form of employment, there are more exciting paid opportunities than ever for content creators who want to pursue this profession both part-time or full-time. While social media trend reports for 2022 state that many brands will be increasing their budget for social media campaigns, many influencers are still underpaid when they sign contracts for paid partnerships.

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My Top Highlights from My First Year as a Full-Time Content Creator
My Story, Influencer Insider Tips Debbie Poh My Story, Influencer Insider Tips Debbie Poh

My Top Highlights from My First Year as a Full-Time Content Creator

Happy New Year, everyone! Since January is not over yet, I thought I would rip the bandaid off of my mini-goal to start blogging again at least once a month. In order to ensure that I write posts regularly, I will be attempting to write shorter posts more frequently. However, knowing my long-winded self, this will be a difficult task to accomplish!

To start things off, I thought I would go over the top highlights of my first year as a full-time content creator. If you don’t occasionally look back and reflect on your past accomplishments (both big and small), I highly recommend that you start as it really helps you realize how much you’ve grown over a certain period of time!

Writing out a list of my top 2021 accomplishments had a big impact on me as it became clear that this was a year of many “firsts.” While not all of these were positive experiences, I am very proud of how I pushed myself out of my comfort zone to grow both as an individual and in my career.

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Why I’m Starting an Instagram Mentorship

Why I’m Starting an Instagram Mentorship

When I began my journey as a full-time content creator in January 2021, I knew that I would face a lot of skepticism about whether I could make a viable income from this new career path in the very new industry of influencer marketing. In fact, coming from a typical conservative Asian-Canadian family, I held back from telling my parents about my decision until I started making a decent living. Despite the odds and the naysayers, I had a strange sense of intuition and faith in myself that things would work out— that I was on the right path.

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Pinterest 101: How I Gained 2 Million Views in One Month

Pinterest 101: How I Gained 2 Million Views in One Month

To be very honest, sometimes the stifling Instagram algorithm gets super frustrating and forces you to realize that it’s time to try something new. While most sponsored collaborations are still heavily focused on Instagram content, I’ve recently found that it’s been amazing for my creative juices to produce content for new platforms where the algorithms are more encouraging. While I’ve been dabbling lightly in TikTok, I feel as if I’ve made my second home on the Pinterest platform. Over the space of one month, I managed to grow by over 500 followers and increase my impressions from 221 monthly views to over TWO MILLION.

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What It’s Honestly Like to Work with a Quality Brand (The Ups and Downs of Content Creator Life)

What It’s Honestly Like to Work with a Quality Brand (The Ups and Downs of Content Creator Life)

Let’s talk imposter syndrome. Four months into my journey as a full-time content creator, it’s tempting to question my choice to quit a cushy job with great benefits in the relatively stable corporate finance sector. I still feel weird whenever I tell someone (outside of the social media world) that I am a full-time “influencer” now. However, every time I feel doubt start to creep into my mind regarding this particular career change, I receive a sign that this was indeed the right decision to make at this point in my life. 

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Five Reasons Why Conscious Fashion is Awesome for Me (and You Too)
My Story, Social Justice Debbie Poh My Story, Social Justice Debbie Poh

Five Reasons Why Conscious Fashion is Awesome for Me (and You Too)

At the start of my conscious fashion journey, a few acquaintances of mine expressed their doubts over my ability to stick with this life-changing resolution.  To be frank, I had my own misgivings at the beginning about cutting myself off from the convenience and easy indulgences of fast fashion. However, more than half a year later, I’m happy to report that this commitment might be one of the best decisions I’ve made in recent memory (other than quitting my job to pursue a career I actually love). 

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How I’ve Increased Engagement on My IG Content in 2021

How I’ve Increased Engagement on My IG Content in 2021

Since becoming a full time content creator, it’s become a bigger priority for me to increase engagement on the various forms of content I post on Instagram. However, on this often fickle and never-transparent social media platform, the matter of engagement is a constant source of speculation, experimentation, and rollercoaster-like progress.

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How To Create An Aesthetic Theme
Influencer Insider Tips Debbie Poh Influencer Insider Tips Debbie Poh

How To Create An Aesthetic Theme

Creating an aesthetic Instagram feed is a necessary task for influencers who are seeking to attract quality brand partnerships and engaged followers. Just like how we judge books by their covers (even though we pretend not to), a beautiful theme is integral in setting your Instagram page apart from the rest of the pack.

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Why I Quit My Corporate Job (And What’s Next For Me)
My Story Debbie Poh My Story Debbie Poh

Why I Quit My Corporate Job (And What’s Next For Me)

After working hard on my Instagram platform for the past three years, I have been blessed enough to have built an amazing community of over 19,000 followers, create connections with amazing people in the blogging community, and receive many wonderful sponsorship opportunities.

While the aforementioned things were wonderful to achieve, I previously would never have entertained the thought of quitting without another job lined up. So then, what were the exact factors that encouraged me to take the leap of faith into the unknown?

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How To Grow Authentic Engagement on Instagram (a.k.a. How I Get So Many Comments)

How To Grow Authentic Engagement on Instagram (a.k.a. How I Get So Many Comments)

Within this post, I wanted to specifically address the topic of authentic engagement— which may manifest as high engagement with posts in terms of likes, comments, and saves. After getting a ton of DMs asking how I manage to get so many genuine comments on my Instagram posts, I thought that I would write a more detailed blog post on the matter.

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How 2020 Was My Wake Up Call: #BLM and #IdleNoMore
#BLM, #IdleNoMore, My Story, Social Justice Debbie Poh #BLM, #IdleNoMore, My Story, Social Justice Debbie Poh

How 2020 Was My Wake Up Call: #BLM and #IdleNoMore

Have you ever looked back on your life and wondered how you stopped pursuing an important dream or passion of yours? Recently, I realized that, over the last five years of my life, I started focusing on creating a career for myself instead of pursuing goals that aligned with my principles and values. However, after the events of the past few weeks, I felt like I have woken up from a dream that had blinded me from truly important matters.

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